Patient zone

Patient zone

Patient Zone

  1. Each patient, on admission to the University Hospital, is obliged to present an identity document, and, if the system of Electronic Verification of Beneficiaries’ Eligibility (EWUŚ) does not confirm his/her right to free health services, the patient is obliged to present the relevant proof of insurance.
  2. Patients eligible for free health services in accordance with the applicable rules (in particular, not covered by health insurance in Poland or in another EU or EFTA member country other than Poland; not having the nationality of third countries with which Poland is bound by relevant international agreements1 as well as a patient who cannot provide documentary evidence of his/her right to free health care benefits pursuant with applicable regulations) shall bear, as a rule, the costs of benefits provided in compliance with the relevant invoice, taking into account the following principles:

a) The preferred form of payment is payment in cash or by credit card in a unit providing health services immediately after providing such services.

b) When a patient does not have the financial resources to immediately pay for the provided health services, he/she shall deliver a written statement of commitment to cover the costs of treatment by a given period. (as entered in the invoice).

c) The statement referred to in letter b above is verified by an employee of the University Hospital in respect to the compatibility of data entered in it with the identity document.

d) If the patient does not have or refuses to present an identity document or there are serious doubts as to the compatibility of data declared by him/her with the actual status, the University Hospital reserves the right to call the police in order to establish the identity of the patient.

See more information on treatment in the EU/EFTA member states 


 Practical Information




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